Having Opened the Horizons of the Spirit

A. and P. Galaunė House-Museum
A. and P. Galaunė House-Museum
Number of participants: up to 15
Duration: 90 min
5 € for adults
2.5 € for schoolchildren, students, seniors
+ 25 € group tour fee
When visiting this exhibit you will discover the fascinating history of two outstanding representatives of Lithuanian culture – Adelė Nezabitauskaitė-Galaunienė (1895–1962), her contribution in initiating the Opera House, the intensive work on the stage and created roles, and Paulius Galaunė (1890–1988) – a professional museologist, his pedagogical, artistic activities, collections, and spare time. You will get acquainted with Kazimiera Galaunienė’s life, work in the museum, and efforts to establish the A. and P. Galaunė Museum. Alongside, you will have an opportunity to examine a memorial exhibit about Kazys Bizauskas (1892–1941), a signatory to the Act of Independence of 16 February 1918, a public figure, and a diplomat, who lived here with his family from 1933 to 1940. 
Bookings can be made by phone +370 672 807 67