Devilishly Interesting!

A. Žmuidzinavičius Creation and Collections Museum
A. Žmuidzinavičius Creation and Collections Museum
Number of participants: up to 20
Duration: 90 min
Museum visitor ticket + 25€ group tour fee

We invite you to meet at the Antanas Žmuidzinavičius Museum of Art and Collections and visit the famous artist's Devil Collection.

During the meeting, you will hear stories about how Žmuidzinavičius began collecting his collection and which prominent figures contributed to its expansion.

Our meeting will be full of fun surprises, jokes, and intriguing tasks. After all, the devil is one of the most frequently encountered mythological creatures in Lithuanian folklore, so we will also need to recall fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, as well as mythological legends and other devilish stories.

Bookings can be made by phone + 370 675 133 72