The History of the Formation of the Modern State in the Period of the First Republic of Lithuania (1918–1940)

Historical Presidential Palace of the Republic of Lithuania
Historical Presidential Palace of the Republic of Lithuania
Number of participants: up to 25
Duration: 45-60 min
5 € for adults
2.5 € for schoolchildren, students, seniors
+ 25 € group tour fee
The tour is intended for those who want to get an insight into the history of the Lithuanian statehood. Visitors are introduced to the history of the Presidential Palace, the fact of Kaunas’ becoming a provisional capital of Kaunas, the political context of that time, and the formation of a modern state. During the tour, the development and activities of the Seimas and the President’s institution are analysed in detail, interesting aspects regarding the elections of the most important institutions of the country are presented.
Bookings can be made by phone +370 37 20 17 78