The Observer is a Person with Qualities

M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art
M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art
Number of participants: up to 30
Duration: 60 min
10 € for adults
5 € for schoolchildren, students, seniors
+ 25 € group tour fee
On this guided tour you are expected to discover who the observer in the exhibit of M. K. Čiurlionis’ paintings is? First and foremost, the observer was the artist himself who captured things with his eyes and heart, saw matters that were important to him. Actually, all of you are observers as well – viewers, scientists, art critics, and artists who, while studying the fantastic creative legacy of Čiurlionis, treat his creation differently, describe and highlight those qualities and motifs that are important to them individually. During the tour, we will offer to look at the paintings through the prism of different researchers, each of you will discover what is peculiar and private.

Bookings can be made by phone +370 684 84388